One of the unique attributes of the DeVos Sport Business Management Program is the network of students who make up our program. Our class will take every course together during our tenure here at UCF and we will work on countless group projects and collaborative efforts. As a result of our shared interests in the business of sport, a natural team camaraderie is formed. However, our team is composed of people from diverse backgrounds, experiences and ambitions. We offer profiles of class members to give you an idea as to the type of people who make up our program, individuals who collectively will be leaders in sport and society and will be teammates for life.
Name: Shane Land
Hometown: Lexington, Kentucky
Undergraduate School & Major: University of Kentucky - Business Marketing & Management
Past Sports Industry Experiences: University of Kentucky Athletics - 4 years as Student Track and Field Coach, 3 years as Academic Services Assistant in the Center for Academic and Tutorial Services, Volunteered with University of Kentucky’s Sports Marketing Department for two years
Other - Collegiate Basketball Referee
Current G.A. or Sports Industry Related Internship/Job: Fall 2009 DeVos Scholarship Recipient, Spring 2010 Assistantship: Marketing Internship Coordinator
Reasons for Choosing the DeVos Program: The networking capabilities, curriculum, and the idea of using sport to create social change all attracted me to the program.
Future Career Ambitions: Currently, I would like to work in event management/planning while continuing to pursue my career in basketball officiating.
If you could play a round of golf with any three sports figures (dead or alive, on the field or off) whom would you choose and why?
Well, this question requires a little thought. First and foremost, I believe that I would have to include John Wooden. I admire John Wooden not just because he was a tremendous collegiate basketball coach, but because he seems to genuinely have everyone’s best interest at heart. He was a teacher of not only the game but life when he was at UCLA which made him a great mentor for college athletes.
Next, I would pick Coach Vince Lombardi. He is quite possibly the best ever professional football coach and he had the ability to motivate athletes like no one else. Having the chance to pick his brain for a couple of hours could be very enlightening and could quite possibly help me become a better motivator.
Last but not least, I would take NBA basketball referee, Steve Javie, because I would not survive a round of golf with two coaches without the help of another official. Actually, I consider Mr. Javie the best basketball official on the planet and talking basketball philosophy with great officials is fascinating to me. I feel like I could learn a lot from Mr. Javie.