1. Name: Nate Kinkopf
2. Hometown: Euclid, OH
3. Undergraduate School & Major: The Ohio State University - Sports Management, Business minor
4. Previous Experience in Sports Industry: Facility ops and membership services at the Recreation and Physical Activity Center, OSU's main campus rec facility
5. Current GA or Internship: Graduate Assistant for The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport (TIDES)
6. Why did you choose the DeVos Program? Core values, stresses good relationships/teamwork, and the prestige of our Directors
7. Career Aspirations: I would like to work in collegiate athletic administration as an AD one day. I would like to help develop student athletes and have a positive effect on their career goals.
8. If you could have any superpower, which one would you choose and why? I would want to be able to teleport (if that's a super power), so I could get to all the Buckeyes and Browns games and back this fall.
9. If you could trade jobs with anyone in the world, who would it be and why? I would trade jobs with whoever wins the Presidency this fall so that I could abolish the two-party system and try to restore some value to the U.S. dollar before it is literally worth nothing. If that's too political, I would like to trade with Gene Smith so I could run one of the greatest athletic departments in the country (at clearly the greatest university in the country).
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