Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Super Tuesday

We are about a week past “Super Tuesday,” and find ourselves in the midst of politicians calling for “change”. While many people of our generation are turning out in record numbers to cast their vote, I think we all remain a bit skeptical of political movements. Dr. Lapchick is always saying, “There is something about sports.” I believe that to be true, and I think my classmates think that as well. Even amongst all the scandals, there is something in us that believes that there is a certain pureness to sports. I think that is why many of us chose to go into sports, because we really believe we can make a difference.

I believe all of us should make our voice known and vote in the coming election. However, I remain a bit skeptical of the politicians and their promises. Teeball, hotdogs and baseball games, Lil’ Penny, marching bands, bracket busters, game winning shots, unbelievable catches, the World Cup, and slam dunks…these are things that seem to remain consistent. There is something about sports, indeed. I leave you with a quote from Lance Armstrong, “One of the redeeming things about being an athlete is redefining what is humanly possible.”

Much love and good game,


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